One of our wonderful volunteers shared this with me last week, the comment of an in-law at Manassas.
"Is that the brick wall where Stonewall Jackson got his nickname?"
Happy new year all.
Ranger Mannie
An online journal of Mannie Gentile, a National Park Service Park Ranger working on the National Mall in our nation's capital. DISCLAIMER: please note that this blog represents only my views and not those of the National Park Service. Feel free to email me at:
Friday, December 29, 2006
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Jerry Ford: Seasonal Park Ranger
Being from Grand Rapids Michigan, I thought I'd post something about Grand Rapids' formost son, late President Gerald R. Ford, who, as a very young man, was a Ranger with the USNPS. But John Hoptak has already done a great job
Check out John's post at:
Check out John's post at:
Monday, December 25, 2006
I can't get too comfortable.
Check out the blog Civil War Bookshelf, written by Dimitri Rotov.
Although I often find his posts somewhat puzzling, esoteric, and even cryptic, he often challenges the way I've viewed the history of the war (Bruce Catton being my compass and all).
Mr. Rotov continually causes me to question my assumptions, and, although this is sometimes aggravating, I believe that his assertions and arguments have made me a more critical reader and a much better Ranger.
Provocation is an essential part of interpretation, and Mr. Rotov will keep you thinking and on your toes.
The Civil War is much more than our fond memory of 54mm plastic soldiers and the Time-Life series.
Check him out at:
Merry Christmas all!
Ranger Mannie
Although I often find his posts somewhat puzzling, esoteric, and even cryptic, he often challenges the way I've viewed the history of the war (Bruce Catton being my compass and all).
Mr. Rotov continually causes me to question my assumptions, and, although this is sometimes aggravating, I believe that his assertions and arguments have made me a more critical reader and a much better Ranger.
Provocation is an essential part of interpretation, and Mr. Rotov will keep you thinking and on your toes.
The Civil War is much more than our fond memory of 54mm plastic soldiers and the Time-Life series.
Check him out at:
Merry Christmas all!
Ranger Mannie
Images of a Wonderful Year (click on pix to enlarge)
Please indulge me as I post (or re-post) some of my favorite images of 2006. This event that I call "My Year of Living Rangerously" has, in fact, been a dream come true for me. Come along with me as I look back at this milestone year with some photos that really seem to symbolize the fun, delight, and affirmation of my move from Michigan to the heart of Civil War country.

Great eye contact and a farbylicious tattoo.
The Sultans of Stabilization, The Rajahs of Restoration, the Centurions of Conservation. K.C., Kevin, and Travis, all with the parks Cultural Resources Division, are just three of the many individuals who provide their time and talent to keep Antietam National Battlefield a living legacy for this, and future, generations.
Fog plus web. Battery included.

I hope that we'll see these young stewards of history, suited up as rangers one fine day.
The New York Monument: Four Views
Early morning.
Distorted by rain on a window pane.
By moonlight.
As seen by my talented artist wife (
Here's a real conversation starter.
Lanterns mustered for the torchlight tour.
My good friend Ranger Hoptak. He and I entered the Service this summer. We're two lucky rangers. Check out his outstanding blog at:
Is the Mumma Farmstead what Bing Crosby was singing about for so long? "When the blue of the night meets the gold of the day..."
One morning at Gettysburg, I felt a tugging at my pant leg.
My very cool daughter, March, visiting us from Michigan.
That bird again.
Salute to Independence. Well, here's a very nice picture indeed!
Artillery Weekend.
"Are we having fun yet?" Thrilled kids in the rain outside of Dunker Church.

No, not a particularly good shot, but the very good company that I keep these days. Me with Ranger Keith and Ranger Brian just prior to Battle Anniversary weekend. I'm very proud to work with the many dedicated and wonderful professionals who continually work to make this National Park relevant to tens of thousands of visitors every year.
Join us in 2007.
Happy New Year everyone.
Ranger Mannie

I hope that we'll see these young stewards of history, suited up as rangers one fine day.
The New York Monument: Four Views

No, not a particularly good shot, but the very good company that I keep these days. Me with Ranger Keith and Ranger Brian just prior to Battle Anniversary weekend. I'm very proud to work with the many dedicated and wonderful professionals who continually work to make this National Park relevant to tens of thousands of visitors every year.
Join us in 2007.
Happy New Year everyone.
Ranger Mannie
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Moving day

Tomorrow my wife and I close on our house and begin our move to Boonsboro. As we set up headquarters in our little mountian greenery bungalow I'll have to take a short break from making regular posts.
I hope to be back up in three weeks or so. Hopefully by then I'll also have edited the short Youtube video on the luminaries that I've only begun editing.
Thanks for tuning in, wish us luck, and I'll be back soon.
Ranger Mannie (lifting with my knees, not my back)
Monday, December 04, 2006
2006 Antietam Memorial Illumination
Saturday brought over 1,400 volunteers to the park for the 18th annual illumination,
an incredible event that transforms such mundane objects as paper bags, cups, candles, and some sand into flickering representations of the 23,110 men, killed,wounded, or missing, during the battle of Antietam.
The morning was just beginning and volunteers were already arriving, registering and getting their assignments.
In the chill sunshine materials were distributed...
...luminaries were assembled...

...and laid out in long lines, in grids, throughout the northern half of the battlefield.
It was quite remarkable how quickly and efficiently the volunteers were able to complete their designated areas. Even more remarkable was how fast they got them all lit, about 45 minutes, and suddenly everything was ready for the proceedings to begin and the sun to go down.
The opening ceremony, which was held at the Maryland monument, included a choir and remarks by the Secretary of the Interior. And then, about five o'clock, a magical thing occurred.
The luminaries, which had been lit for an hour, started to faintly glow as the ambient light of the early evening receded.
The ceremony continued, and all over the field the luminaries were gradually overtaking the oncoming darkness.
It is as if, for one night each year, the battlefield is revisited by 23,110 soldiers, who in 13 hours of fighting were wounded or killed in this long ago battle.
Literally, as far as the eye can see, the candles burn through the night, continuing long after the thousands of visitors have slowly driven through the park in long, long lines, to view them.

The firewatch is posted in the observation room of the visitor's center; the Rangers watch and wait throughout the night. Eventually around 4:30 in the black of the late fall morning, the candles begin to flicker and die. Some continue to burn, struggling on against the darkness, but by five o'clock it is all over.
Another thirteen-hour battle, against the darkness, comes to an end on the fields of the Antietam Creek Valley.
an incredible event that transforms such mundane objects as paper bags, cups, candles, and some sand into flickering representations of the 23,110 men, killed,wounded, or missing, during the battle of Antietam.

It was quite remarkable how quickly and efficiently the volunteers were able to complete their designated areas. Even more remarkable was how fast they got them all lit, about 45 minutes, and suddenly everything was ready for the proceedings to begin and the sun to go down.
The opening ceremony, which was held at the Maryland monument, included a choir and remarks by the Secretary of the Interior. And then, about five o'clock, a magical thing occurred.

The firewatch is posted in the observation room of the visitor's center; the Rangers watch and wait throughout the night. Eventually around 4:30 in the black of the late fall morning, the candles begin to flicker and die. Some continue to burn, struggling on against the darkness, but by five o'clock it is all over.
Another thirteen-hour battle, against the darkness, comes to an end on the fields of the Antietam Creek Valley.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Antietam Beneath the Surface

Last weekend at Antietam National Battlefield...the battle revealed itself.
On a beautiful late fall Friday morning three archaeologists arrived at the visitors center to do some very productive, and very legal, metal detecting. These folks were working for the National Park Service to do a survey of artifacts under the soil of our overflow parking area.
Now, before this site gets quoted back to me, in a totally out of context manner, let me add this disclaimer as stated in the park brochure: "RELIC HUNTING IS PROHIBITED".
This was an authorized dig, not a bunch of those midnight despoilers who desecrate sacred ground, steal public property from our nation’s parks, and unload our national heritage on ebay for dirty cash. I hope I've made myself quite clear. Now, back to the story.
Jim, Scott, and Sarah, real-live archaeologists, (thanks spell-check) spent three days digging in our front yard. This was exciting for everyone. The rangers and park volunteers were keenly interested and provided lots of useful information to help the diggers identify objects. Visitors were totally engaged by the event and provided the digging team with an eager audience, as well as many teachable moments. The archaeologists themselves were quite thrilled with the work as this was their first battlefield dig.
After unloading all of their gear from some very tired looking and obviously field-tested pickup trucks, they got busily to work. A 25% search of the designated area started by laying out long lines 250 feet in length. These lines were then swept with a magnotometer...y'know...a metal detector.

Test holes were dug by Jim and the dirt was shoveled into a sifter...

Somehow, Indiana Jones made it all look much more glamorous. My back started to ache just watching them (I think I’ll go sit down for awhile).
As Pre-20th century objects were found they were bagged, labeled, and numbered.

And up it came.
A nice, and lethal, piece of spherical case-shot was recovered,

which made for a spontaneous discussion between a mother and her tot about the nature of the battle that happened "long before grandma was even born".

And, logically, many of the lead balls that had formerly resided in those case-shot rounds also were scattered about the area,

The biggest excitement came late in the day on Friday when the first Burton ball was recovered.

Altogether About a dozen bullets were dug up, along with eight or ten lead case-shot balls. Another hatfull of shell fragments was also recovered, most of them spherical and just a few from elongated projectiles. Other miscellaneous stuff emerged including harness buckles, horseshoes, and other things not so readily identifiable.
The area was then meticulously surveyed...

The significant objects will be curated and archived by the Park Service and may one day make their way back to Antietam to help us interpret the story of the battle that occurred here 144 years ago...the last time that these objects saw the light of day.

After three days of discovery the team packed up their gear, washed their hands, and drove off leaving all of us richer for their shovel work. It was a genuine thrill to have such tangible reminders of the events that shook this valley emerge from right under our feet. Though we step over these hidden witnesses daily, it's easy to forget that the battle was much more than just a story from long, long ago.
It's nice to know that these reminders are safe and secure under a blanket of sod, available to provide us with an occasional history lesson... a moment to excite the imagination, to startle, and even thrill, the most jaded among us.
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