March 16-The Advance of the Irish Brigade-This battlefield hike will meet near the Stone Observation Tower at 1:15 p.m. and follow in the footsteps of the Irish Brigade during its assault on the Sunken Road.
March 30-Union Advance HikeThe Burnside Bridge-This hike will meet at Auto Tour Stop # 9, Burnside Bridge, at 1:15 p.m. The ranger led program will follow the trail on the eastern side of the Antietam Creek and will explore the numerous attempts by the Federal forces to carry the bridge.
April 6-Middle Bridge Hike-Meet the ranger at the National Cemetery parking lot on Route 34 for this hike that will explore the action that occurred around the Middle Bridge. The hike will begin at 1:15 p.m.
April 13-The West Woods-This battlefield hike will begin near the New York State Monument at 1:15 p.m. and will focus on the deadly fighting in and around the West Woods.
April 20-Final Attack HikeAttack on Lee's Right-This battlefield hike will begin near Tour Stop #9, Burnside Bridge, at 1:15 p.m. The most rugged section of the battlefield will be explored on this hike including Snavely’s Ford, Lower Cornfield, Narrow Cornfield, and the Hawkin’s Zouave Monument.
April 26 - Junior Ranger Day. Children ages six to twelve will be able to participate in special programs, interact with volunteers portraying Civil War soldiers and have the opportunity to become Junior Park Rangers. A variety of exciting programs will await your Junior Rangers on this special day!
April 26 - A Civil War Musicale. Join us in the historic Dunker Church at 2:00 for an afternoon of musical entertainment as the Shepherd College Mens Chorus performs a selection of Civil War music. Enjoy the songs of the American Civil War in this most appropriate of settings.
April 27-Cornfield Hike -Meet the Ranger at Tour Stop # 2, The North Woods, at 1:15 p.m. This hike will explore the attacks and counter attacks that took place on the northern part of the battlefield.
May 4-Sunken Road Hike-Meet the ranger behind the visitor center at 1:15 p.m. The attacks by the Federal troops upon the Sunken Road, as well as the Confederate defenses will be explored during this hike.
All hikes will go on rain or shine and hikers should wear appropriate
footwear for going through tall grassy fields as well as plowed fields.
Unless noted, all hikes are approximately two hours and two miles in length.
All information is subject to change. Please call the park (301) 432-5124
or check our web page at before attending
any special event.
June 14 and 15-Artillery Weekend
-The rolling terrain and the heavy reliance on artillery by Union and Confederates made Antietam one of the most significant artillery battles in the Civil War. Artillery firing demonstrations will be held throughout Saturday and Sunday. Click HERE for video!
July 26 and 27-6th New Hampshire Weekend at Antietam-
August 9 and 10-Technology of War Weekend (2nd Regiment United States
Sharpshooters)-Living history volunteers portraying Berdan’s Sharpshooters will perform tactical firing demonstrations to illustrate advances in military technology during the Civil War.

September 12-14-Battle Anniversary Weekend-A weekend full of special hikes and programs will be announced in late August.
September 17-Battle Anniversary Hike-Join the rangers for an all-day hike of the field on the 146th Anniversary of the Battle of Antietam. Please check the park web site in August for further information.
September 27 and 28-27th Virginia Infantry Weekend- Join the living history volunteers portraying 27th Virginia to learn about the history of the regiment and the stories of the common soldiers who fought with this unit. Weapons and tactics demonstrations will be held on Saturday and Sunday, with ongoing interpretation in the camp throughout the day.
October 4 and 5-5th Virginia Infantry Weekend at Antietam-Living history volunteers from the 5th Virginia Infantry will portray the life of the Civil War soldier and share the story on the men who fought with this unit. Weapons and tactics demonstrations will be held on Saturday and Sunday, with ongoing interpretation in the camp throughout the day.
October 11 and 12-23rd Virginia Infantry Weekend at Antietam-Living history volunteers from the 23rd Virginia Infantry will portray the life of the Civil War soldier and share the story on the men who fought with this unit. Weapons and tactics demonstrations will be held on Saturday and Sunday, with ongoing interpretation in the camp throughout the day.
All information is subject to change. Please call the park (301) 432-5124 before attending any special event. Also check out the park's website at:
I'll see you this summer and fall!
Just north of Sharpsburg!
Ranger Mannie