I've been off for a week now, collecting my thoughts, working on a large project, and learning to live alone.
I found myself at loose ends yesterday evening, so I drove out to my favorite place on the planet, which also happens to be the place that I get to spend my working days - Antietam National Battlefield. Lucky guy.
I also stopped by the local art supply store during this off period to look up, and bring home, an old friend that I haven't seen for about 20 years:

the Hunt #107 crow quill pen.
I used to do ALL of my cartooning with risky little gem. Unlike technical pens, the crow quill provides fatter or thinner lines in one stroke just by applying more or less downward pressure. Its a very simple, elegant pen, that delivers great results and has the user at the brink of disaster with every stroke. The steel nib is so sharp that inattention can cause it to cut the surface of the paper, and gravity, ubiquitous as it is, often coaxes the pen to blot at exactly the worst time.
But like all of the best things in life the benefits outweigh the risks.
I expect you'll be seeing more battlefield-related illustration before too long.
Inking up,
Just northeast of Sharpsburg.