Park Historian and general big wheel in the Civil War scene, Ted Alexander, is bringing the Chambersburg seminar to Antietam in observance of the 145th anniversary of the battle.
I am pleased to be included in the proceedings.
Although I'll be in the company of some of the most recognized names in the field of Civil War history I can't get get too big a head. Here's how it went down.
The phone rang at the visitor's center and I answered. It was Ted asking if I'd be willing to participate in the seminar and provide a themed hike.
I replied I'd be happy to, in fact, I'd been preparing a program specifically for the seminar, Ted seemed excited:
"Great!" he said. "Whatcha' got in mind"
"Well, now that Paul is retired..." Paul is Paul Chiles the legendary ranger who was the go-to guy regarding CW artillery
"...now that Paul is retired..." I continued
...I'd like to stake out artillery at Antietam as my niche. I've got a pretty good grasp on the subject and have given many presentations over the years, so now that Paul is retir..."
I didn't get a chance to finish the sentence
"Paul's doing artillery. So what else can you do?"
Following in the footsteps of a legend is a sure way to shed your hubris in a hurry.
Come join Paul Chiles, Ted Alexander, and other legends at the 2007 Chambersburg Civil War Seminar
Ranger Mannie