It's always nice to see our tax, and preservation, dollars paying off. Hats off to our colleagues up at the big park.
Ranger Mannie
And do come visit America's most pristine battlefield park - Antietam.
An online journal of Mannie Gentile, a National Park Service Park Ranger working on the National Mall in our nation's capital. DISCLAIMER: please note that this blog represents only my views and not those of the National Park Service. Feel free to email me at:
Hey Mannie,
Ah, "The Devil's Sh*thouse!" That's what "we" call it now :)
You're right, the changes have just been amazing. Even when you previously tried to imagine "the trees not there" - you still couldn't see it that way you can now. Especially in the middle part of the field - I now feel like I have a whole new battlefield to play with now.
I and some pards will be down to Antietam in late June - we'll try to look you up.
Thanks for the picture. I would love to see more! I hadn't seen any images of the clearings before and haven't visited the park since they were initiated. I bet the rangers are already tired of the "who lived in that cabin?"-type questions..LOL.
I presume it will be relocated?
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