It is so close, and I did come from so far away to spend time at the battlefield, and many of you, I know, wish you lived but eleven miles from from that wonderful park.
So for all of us, I shot this picture of the New York Monument and a picture perfect evening.
Wish you were here.
Mr. Gentile,
Thanks for the beautiful photo. I very much enjoy stopping by your blog. I am a history teacher in New Jersey whose greatest wish is to work as a seasonal ranger for the NPS. I was offered a "teachers to rangers" job at Ellis Island this summer, but alas, $4 a gallon gas and a 60 mile commute put a stop to that. Maybe next year!
I also collect WWI and I think your expansive helmet collection is cool.
Keep up the good work and thanks for providing this little oasis in an otherwise crazy Internet!
Jeff Brown
Call me Mannie.
Thanks for stopping by.
Thanks for holding down the teaching fort.
Keep looking in on the helmet blog (only about 95 more posts to go).
And keep chasing the dream.
Excellent shot!
Mannie, I'd work there even if I had to cut grass, mend fences, and pull weeds. It'd be an honor to do so ...
Lakeland, FL
Mannie, thanks for the evening shot. Missed you by a day. Was there on the 25th with a 12 year old young lady who was looking forward to meeting "the guy at Antietam that Uncle Richard is always talking about." Better luck for us next time but Sarah did get her Junior Ranger status!
king cas,
No sooner had I returned than they told me that I had company the day before. Sorry I missed you, but congratulations to the newest Junior Ranger in the Service!
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