On my two days off I traveled to both Antietam and Gettysburg to aim my handy little digital camera down the muzzles of several guns to bring some light to the subject of smoothbores, rifles, and howitzers.
And here is the gaping maw of the big brother to the six-pounder; the twelve pound light gun howitzer. A heavy, versatile, and feared piece of artillery.
With even more pronounced patterns of wear than seen in the six-pounder, one has to wonder how much of this scoring was the result of firing canister? Click here to see a video of four of these guns in action.
Here's a little bronze six-pounder that was rifled to accommodate James system rifled ammunition. James projectiles had lead sabots to engage the rifling rather than the usual wrought iron. Iron would have quickly worn the softer bronze to an off-caliber diameter. Although the lead sabot was very effective in engaging the rifling without barrel wear, lead tended to build up in the barrel, again affecting the inside diameter of the tube, and impacting the ability to ram the projectile home.
The apex of light artillery (arguably) is this 3-inch ordnance rifle. Light, deadly accurate, and of much stronger wrought iron, this was a reliable and highly desirable gun on both sides. Note the late "1865" casting date on the muzzle ring, this may account for...
The still, very crisp, rifling. Clearly this gun saw less action owing to its late entry in the conflict.
Of note in this view is the severe pitting that these iron tubes were subject to, of course this example is quite extreme as this tube has been out in the weather for nearly a century and a half. Nonetheless, iron tubes, unlike the bronze, would develop pits over the course of use and these pits made it very important to dilligently run that dampened sponge-rammer down the barrel between each loading to extinguish any sparks hiding in those pits prior to the insertion of the next powder bag.
Here's part two:
Moving now, to Gettysburg (and a sunny day) we have five more examples.
Here's the 12-pound howitzer.
12-pound Howitzers were the same caliber as their big brothers the 12-poound Napoleon, that is they both fired the 12 pound ball. but the howitzer weighed about 1/3 less than the Napoleon, a savings of metal as well as the horseflesh to tow one of these things around. The difference was made up by the size of the powder charge. As the tube walls of the howitzer were thinner and had less mass the full-size Napoleon, the howitzer simply used a much reduced powder charge, lessening the pressures on the tube but also reducing the effective range of the gun. The trade off was between weight, available resources (bronze and battery horses) and range.
It wasn't a very good bargain. The reduced range of the howitzers meant that the battery had to move much closer to the action, well within range of not just counter-battery fire by enemy artillery, but by enemy infantry as well.
Now comes the giant of the battlefield, the largest and heaviest of the field artillery, the long-range 20-pound Parrott rifle.
The yankees had four batteries of these at Antietam and they served continuously throughout the day. Their extended range, about two and one half miles, meant that they could reach out and "touch" nearly every part of the battlefield all the while remaining safely out of range of Confederate artillery.
Here's a reminder of why the Civil War is often referred (erroneously or not) as the "first modern war".
And I saved the best for last. The 24-pound howitzer.
This is one of two at the park that features the old fashioned lifting "ears" above the trunnions. These handles fell into disuse as another savings in casting material.
Here's a link to one of my favorite online ACW artillery sites.
Thanks for coming with me on this little artillery safari across two National Battlefield parks in two days. Lets do it again real soon!
Keeping my powder dry, just north of Boonsboro.
Ranger Mannie
If I may, two notes about the Parrott Rifle.
First, the Parrott in the photos is a later model, cast in 1864. It differed from those that were used at the battle in bore size (2.9 inch for the early types, 3 inch for the later ones). This particular example was a special lot cast at the beginning of the "new" Parrott production run. (More info on a blog post made earlier this year - http://markerhunter.wordpress.com/2008/02/20/antietams-collection-of-10-pdr-parrott-rifles/).
Second, looking down the bore of the Parrott, you managed to capture something I had read about, but not seen. The Parrott's right hand gain (or increasing) twist rifling!
Good photos. With my low tech camera, my bore photos are often mistaken for NASA shots of black holes.
Excellent post, Mannie. Those photos prove the truth of the statement about a picture being worth a thousand words.
Great post Mannie. I just bookmarked it for my Civil War course.
Kevin at Civil War Memory
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