Monday, April 24, 2006

Young volunteers spruce up Antietam National Cemetery

Big doings at the Antietam National Cemetery! On April 24 over 400 Frederick County middle schoolers showed up to scrub headstones in preparation for the upcoming May Memorial Day observances. Hoses were brought out of storage, buckets were purchased, detergent was readied, and adult volunteers (supervisors ya' know) were at their posts.

In two and a half hours the kids did a fantastic job of cleaning grime and lichen off of the cemetery's nearly 5,000 headstones. All of the adults were very impressed with the commitment and diligence shown by these 6th, 7th, and 8th graders from the other side of South Mountain.

The kids seemed to really enjoy themselves, and despite themselves often did some reflection on the meaning of their surroundings and the importance of their contributions. It was a really great day to be a volunteer...of any age.

Help is on the way!

less posing, more scrubbing!

the obligatory picture of me.

"Old Simon" provides supervision in the background.

Superintendant, John Howard, really got the kids attention when he reminded them that their hands were the closest thing to family that these soldiers have felt in over a century.

Tools of the trade.

Thanks for a great day's work!

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