I had an unusual experience yesterday.
My wife has been back in Michigan for the last week visiting friends and family. At the same time I took a week off to get a lot of work done around the house.
I noticed on the second day something very unusual. I was living in silence, that is to say, I was silent, save for the occasional "ouch" or "oops" or "mmmmm...pepperoni". I wasn't saying anything, to anyone.
After my six days off were up I returned to the battlefield yesterday, checked the schedule and found that I had the 10:00 a.m. tour...that's two hours of talking to a crowd, mostly outdoors.
My voice started to conk while I was announcing the tour over the PA.
"Uh-oh", I thought.
The tour went well but I could tell the pipes were only working at about 40%. What a funny thing. I guess the muscles that create voice need regular exercise just as any other muscles do.
Though the last thing I need is an excuse to talk, just ask my coworkers.
Yours, in modulation,
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