Monday, December 02, 2019

Back in the saddle...for sixty days

Well hello there!  It's been a while.

I now have something to celebrate and post about again.

Starting on January 5, 2020 I will begin a sixty-day detail at Monocacy National Battlefield.

It's a Civil War Park, It's 25 minutes from home (currently I commute five hours a day), it's a Civil War park, it's in a rural setting, it's a Civil War park, I'll be working with my former supervisor from the Belmont-Paul Women's Equality National Monument (who is fabulous)


I'll be able to spend the evenings with my wonderful wife.

(Did I mention that it's a Civil War park?)

As I anticipate enjoying the two-month respite from the killing commute and the grind of Washington DC, I'll be posting regularly to this blog on all things Monocracy-Related for the duration of this two-month slice of heaven.

From Boonsboro, just over the mountain from Monocacy,

Ranger Mannie


Unknown said...

Congratulations ! I was there several years ago and really liked it . They had an original copy of the "Lost Orders" at the time . Hope to see you back at Antietam some day .

HankC said...

nice work if you can get it ;)

i stalked you over thanksgiving but never saw you on the mall as i chased young women