Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Ricketts throws McCausland a surprise party.

James B. Ricketts, congenial host

John McCausland, honoree.

Stay tuned,

Ranger Mannie


Todd Berkoff said...

Ricketts's middle name is Brewerton (not a V). He is another somewhat tragic figure like Lew Wallace. Ricketts was wounded and captured at First Bull Run and subsequently severely wounded in the chest at Cedar Creek (a wound that would eventually kill him in 1887). He was a brave and able officer who commanded his division for most of the war. However, he was seen by Secretary of War Stanton as part of the McClellan-Porter cabal for voting in favor of Porter during Porter's trial. Because of this, Stanton rejected Ricketts's nomination to full major general in the volunteers. In 1867, Ricketts was retired early for medical reasons and was placed on the retirement list as a major general, US Army, so there was some justice for the old soldier.

Mannie Gentile said...


Correction made, and I thank you for it.
