ACW blogger Dimitri Rotov brought to light a remarkably lame but fun site. I took the quiz and earlier this morning I supervised my wife as she tore up eleven miles of railroad track, tonite I shall lay waste to several brewskis.
The 45% Nathan Bedsheet Forrest does set my ethnicity slightly ajar.
Must go now, marching toward sea!
Ranger Mannie

| You scored as William T. Sherman, One of the Union's greatest heroes, your capture of Atlanta helped guarantee Lincoln's re-election and the winning of the war. South of the Mason-Dixon, they think you're a monster, but you're really only a *little* crazy...
William T. Sherman | | 75% | General James Longstreet | | 60% | Robert E. Lee | | 60% | General Jeb Stuart | | 55% | Stonewall Jackson | | 50% | General George McClellan | | 50% | U.S. Grant | | 50% | General Nathan Bedford Forrest | | 45% | General Ambrose Burnside | | 35% | General Phillip Sheridan | | 5% |
Which American Civil War General are you? created with |
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