Anyhoo, the upcoming Chambersburg seminar is focusing on Jackson's Valley Campaign, it should be a fantastic kickoff to the sesquicentennial of the American Civil War. Go here for complete details.
Seamless recovery eh? Sorry for any confusion from the earlier incorrect post.
If live near where John Brown is mouldering in grave. If it was during John Brown's time I would be his neighbor. I doubt he would want to come over and hack me to pieces... of course I don't support enslavement
Well, is it John Brown the real person or the cinematic John Brown? Because I think it would be kinda cool to have Raymond Massey as my neighbor.
Nick and John,
Turns out I was wrong anyway, this theme was for last year's Chambersburg Seminar. Pardon the confusion.
I guess I'd prefer the Raymond Massey John Brown living next door. Especially if he had that cool airplane from his 1936 film "Things to Come".
That and he'd be able to take care of any U-Boat captains you meet thanks to his experiences in "49th Parallel" and "Action in the North Atlantic."
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