The VC is projected to be closed for two years. What the museum will look like or contain is unknown to me; I've seen no drawings, and the rangers that I know there aren't clear on what will be included.
I'm inclined to think that the new museum will be worth the wait as Antietam has a wealth of artifacts, those currently on display as well as many, many more in storage at an NPS facility in Landover MD.
I'm really looking forward to it.
Today, on my day off, I swung by the VC for a quick photo safari to take pictures of the current museum. This will be the stuff of a future post.
Now, I wonder if you would do me a favor. This blog has lain dormant for so many years, I'd like to get a handle on how many folks are still following it. If you would kindly leave a comment - however brief - to this post, it would be greatly appreciated.
Now I have to get back to reading about Monocacy...Jan 5 is coming up quick.
From just north of Boonsboro,
Ranger Mannie
I used to read your great blog whenever you posted, then right after you got married I noticed your posts diminished. the other day I was checking out available cw blogs and I noticed yours was up there, so I re-enlisted, so to speak.
looking forward to your future posts. seems like you really belong at Antietam, though. why were you let go there? south mountain or harper's ferry might be other options.....
gary van ess, green bay, wisconsin
Thanks Badgervan,
It was less when I got married and more (way more ) when I found that my tenure at the park was ending. I expect to do a lot more posting while at Monocacy but I equally expect that to end again when I leave, as Washington DC really doesn't do much for me. Thanks for the comment, I really appreciate it.
Still here Mannie. They'll have to take me away kicking and screaming.
-Andrew, writing from somewhere on McClellan's route to Antietam
Still reading! Great to have you back!
I have kept on checking your Blog and your toy soldier Blog every month or so . I completely understood the issue with your commute and was always happy to see any new post . Kurt from Michigan
Thanks Kurt, Rain or shine the toy soldier blog stays fairly active.
Mannie, you're back! (Kurt from Michigan tipped me off)
It's so good to see your posts again. I fully expect something to open up where you'll be in a location you enjoy. In the meantime we'll enjoy your posts from your temporary Monocacy gig.
~ julie from Montrose, Michigan
Hi Julie,
I hope everything's swell in Montrose. Does the May theater still exist?
Well, Mannie, the BUILDING is still there anyway!
~ julie from Montrose, Michigan
the blog is on my regular picket rounds ;)
Long time reader. Just checked back in and saw all the updated. Congrats on the Monocacy Job (one of my favorite battlefields), looking forward to more posts.
I still occasionally check to see if you’ve added anything. Good to see you posting here. Now that I’m in Texas, hard to keep up with the changes. Ron Dickey
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